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Exploring Ghost Particles: A Mysterious Adventure

by Johnber쌤 2024. 3. 27.

Exploring Ghost Particles: A Mysterious Adventure

27 March 2024 By Johnber

,  NewsTogether


Once upon a time, scientists wanted to explore something very mysterious called "ghost particles." These particles are so tiny and hidden that we can't see them with our eyes. But scientists believe they might hold the key to understanding more about our universe!

Imagine that our universe is like a giant puzzle, and we've only found a few pieces. Scientists think that these ghost particles might be some of the missing pieces. But finding them is like looking for a needle in a haystack because they're so hard to detect.

To help find these ghost particles, scientists are building something special called the "Search for Hidden Particles" (SHiP) experiment. It's like a big, fancy machine that smashes tiny particles together to see what happens. But instead of smashing particles together like before, this new experiment will smash them into a big block of material.

This new approach is very clever because it increases the chances of finding the ghost particles. If the ghost particles are real, they might sometimes turn into particles that we can see, like a magic trick! And with this new experiment, scientists hope to catch them in action.

The leader of the project, Professor Andrey Golutvin, thinks this experiment is the start of a new adventure in science. He says it could help solve big mysteries in physics and maybe even discover new particles we've never seen before!

But building this special machine isn't easy. It requires a lot of planning and special equipment. Scientists will use a big underground cavern and some parts from other experiments to build it.

While the big experiment at Cern is still searching for answers, the SHiP experiment offers a different way to explore the universe's mysteries. And even though it's smaller and cheaper, scientists believe it's an important step in our quest to understand everything around us.

So, just like explorers setting off on a daring adventure, scientists are eager to see what secrets the universe holds. And who knows? Maybe one day, they'll find the missing pieces of the cosmic puzzle and unlock one of the greatest mysteries of all time!

Connecting School

Periodic Table(원소 주기율표):

The periodic table is a chart that organizes all known chemical elements based on their atomic structure and chemical properties. It is one of the most important tools in chemistry and provides a systematic way to understand the relationships between different elements.


Hydrogen is the first chemical element in the periodic table, represented by the symbol "H." It is the most abundant element in the universe and plays a vital role in various natural and industrial processes. The first chemical element discovered in the universe is hydrogen.


  1. Ghost Particles: Tiny particles in the universe that are difficult to detect because they rarely interact with other matter. They are also known as "hidden" particles and are believed to be different from the particles described in the Standard Model of particle physics.
  2. Standard Model: The current theory in particle physics that describes the fundamental particles and forces that make up the universe. It includes 17 known particles, such as electrons, quarks, and bosons, and explains their interactions.
  3. Search for Hidden Particles (SHiP): An experiment approved by Cern to search for evidence of ghost particles. It involves smashing particles into a solid target to increase the chances of detecting them.
  4. Particle Physics: The branch of physics that studies the properties and interactions of subatomic particles, such as electrons, protons, and neutrons, and the forces that govern them.
  5. Cern: The European Organization for Nuclear Research, located near Geneva, Switzerland. It is the world's largest particle physics laboratory and is home to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and other particle accelerators.
  6. Large Hadron Collider (LHC): The world's largest and most powerful particle accelerator, located at Cern. It is used to collide particles at high energies to study their properties and search for new particles.
  7. Experiment: A scientific investigation conducted to test a hypothesis or answer a specific research question. In the context of particle physics, experiments often involve using particle accelerators and detectors to study the behavior of subatomic particles.
  8. Detector: A device used to detect and measure the properties of particles produced in particle physics experiments. Detectors can be used to identify different types of particles and study their interactions.
  9. Cosmic Puzzle: A metaphorical representation of the universe as a puzzle with many pieces yet to be discovered. Scientists seek to understand the fundamental nature of the universe by discovering and studying these pieces, such as particles and forces.
  10. Explorers: Scientists who embark on journeys of discovery to explore the unknown aspects of the universe. They use tools and techniques from various fields of science to uncover new knowledge and solve mysteries.

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Exploring Ghost Particles: A Mysterious Adventure (printable 자료& 문제편)

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