SSAT10 Innovative Aircraft Design Promises Innovative Aircraft Design Promises Greener Future for Aviation 6 April 2024 By Johnber NewsTogether JetZero hopes to have its plane in service by 2030. JetZero Long-standing aviation norms are on the brink of transformation as JetZero, a California-based aerospace company, gains FAA approval for its groundbreaking "blended wing body" aircraft. This innovative design, hailed as the future of a.. 2024. 4. 6. Pre-intermediateThe Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde Story Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived a Giant who owned a magnificent garden. Every afternoon, after school, the children would rush to the Giant's garden to play. It was a magical place, filled with lush green grass and beautiful flowers that sparkled like stars. Twelve peach trees adorned the garden, blooming with delicate pink and pearl blossoms in spring and bearing juicy fr.. 2024. 4. 5. The Welshman who made a major maths breakthrough The Welshman who made a major maths breakthrough 4 April 2024 By Johnber , NewsTogether In 1706, William Jones, a self-taught mathematical genius from Anglesey, precisely defined π, unlocking its practical applications. Born in 1675 in Llanfihangel Tre’r Beirdd, Jones received only basic education. However, his talent for arithmetic led Lord Bulkeley to arrange his move to London to work in a ba.. 2024. 4. 4. Intermediate level-The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry story Once upon a time, in a cozy little apartment, lived Della and Jim, a young couple deeply in love. As Christmas approached, their hearts were filled with excitement, but their pockets were empty. With only $1.87 to spare between them, Della and Jim faced the challenge of finding the perfect gifts for each other. Della, with her bright eyes and determined spirit, decided to sell her most.. 2024. 4. 4. Climate Change Affects Our Food Climate Change Affects Our Food 2 April 2024 By Johnber , NewsTogether Have you heard about climate change? It's not just about the weather - it's also affecting the food we eat! Let's chat about how our favorite foods, like chocolate, coffee, and chili peppers, are being impacted. Chili Peppers: You know that spicy sriracha sauce you love? It's made from red jalapeno chili peppers. But lately, .. 2024. 4. 2. The Fight Over Abortion: A Tricky Plan The Fight Over Abortion: A Tricky Plan 29 March 2024 By Johnber , NewsTogether There's a big debate happening in the United States about something called abortion. Abortion is when a pregnancy is ended before the baby is born. Some people think it should be allowed, while others think it should be banned. A group of people who are against abortion, called anti-abortion activists, have a tricky p.. 2024. 3. 29. 이전 1 2 다음