
The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry 본문

Read together/ShortStories

The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry

i-쌤 2024. 4. 1. 22:53




Once upon a time, in a cozy little house, lived a sweet couple named Jim and Della. They loved each other very much, but they didn't have much money. Christmas was near, and they wanted to give each other the perfect gift.

Della had long, beautiful hair that shimmered like gold in the sunlight. She wanted to give Jim something special, but she didn't have any money. So, she had an idea. She decided to sell her hair to buy a gift for Jim.

Meanwhile, Jim had a prized possession - a shiny pocket watch that had been passed down to him from his father. He wanted t o get something lovely for Della but didn't have much money either. So, he decided to sell his watch to buy a gift for her.

On Christmas Eve, they exchanged their gifts. Della gave Jim a beautiful chain for his pocket watch, but Jim had sold his watch to buy combs for Della's hair. They were both surprised and a little sad that they couldn't use the gifts they got for each other.

But then they realized something important. Even though they didn't have the things they sold, they still had each other, and that was the greatest gift of all. They hugged each other tightly, knowing that their love was the most precious gift they could ever receive.

From that day on, Jim and Della cherished each other more than ever, knowing that their love was worth more than any material possession.

And so, they celebrated Christmas together, surrounded by love and happiness, understanding the true meaning of giving from the heart.

The end.

Words and Idioms

1. Cozy - Comfortable, warm, and snug; creating a feeling of ease and contentment.

2. Prized possession - Something of great value or importance that is treasured or highly esteemed by its owner.

3. Shimmered - To shine with a soft, flickering light; to gleam or glisten softly.

4. Exchange - To give or receive something in return for something else; to swap or trade.

5. Cherished - To hold dear or treasure something deeply; to value and care for something or someone affectionately.

6. Material possession - Tangible items or belongings owned by a person; physical objects that can be acquired or possessed.

7. Surprised - Feeling startled, amazed, or taken aback by something unexpected; experiencing a sudden feeling of astonishment or disbelief.

8. Once upon a time - Once upon a time means long ago, in the past, often used to begin a fairy tale or story.

9. The greatest gift of all - The greatest gift of all refers to the most valuable or significant gift.

10.From the heart - From the heart means genuinely, sincerely, or with deep feeling. It implies that something is done or expressed with true emotion or intention.


1) Questions to encourage comprehension and critical thinking.

1. What did Della sell to buy Jim a gift?

2. What did Jim sell to buy Della a gift?

3. How did Jim and Della feel when they exchanged gifts?

4. What did they realize was the most important thing?

2) draw scenes or create crafts from the story and describe the scenes.

Example Answer Key

1. Della sold her long, beautiful hair to buy Jim a gift.

2. Jim sold his prized possession, a shiny pocket watch passed down from his father, to buy Della a gift.

3. Jim and Della felt surprised and a little sad when they exchanged gifts because they had both sold their most cherished possessions to buy gifts for each other.

4. They realized that even though they didn't have the material possessions they sold, they still had each other, and their love for one another was the most important thing.

2) They can draw Della with her long hair, Jim with his pocket watch, or the moment they exchange gifts.

They can make paper chains to represent Della's hair or decorate paper watches to symbolize Jim's pocket watch.

You could also make "love coupons" for acts of kindness


1. What is the main lesson learned by Jim and Della in the story?


a) Material possessions bring happiness

b) Love is more valuable than material possessions

c) Money can solve all problems

d) Giving gifts is not important

2. How does the setting of the story impact the mood of the narrative?

a) It creates a sense of adventure

b) It establishes a feeling of sadness

c) It contributes to a cozy and intimate atmosphere

d) It evokes fear and tension

3. Why did Della decide to sell her hair?

a) To buy herself new clothes

b) To buy a gift for Jim

c) To donate to charity

d) To save money for future expenses

4. What did Jim sell to buy a gift for Della?

a) His bicycle

b) His pocket watch

c) His car

d) His phone

5. What does Della's long, beautiful hair symbolize in the story?

a) Wealth and status

b) Sacrifice and love

c) Selfishness and greed

d) Fear and insecurity

6. How does the exchange of gifts on Christmas Eve reflect the theme of selflessness?

a) Both Jim and Della sell their belongings to buy gifts for each other

b) Jim and Della exchange gifts only for themselves

c) Jim and Della refuse to exchange gifts due to lack of money

d) Jim and Della exchange gifts but keep the money for themselves

Short Writing

1. Write a diary entry from the perspective of either Jim or Della, expressing their thoughts and emotions after realizing the true value of their love.

2. Reflect on a personal experience when you witnessed someone sacrificing something valuable for the sake of love or friendship.

3. Imagine you are a character witnessing Jim and Della's exchange of gifts. Write a letter to a friend describing the scene and its significance.

Sample Answer Key

1. b) Love is more valuable than material possessions.

2. c) It contributes to a cozy and intimate atmosphere.

3. b) To buy a gift for Jim.

4. b) His pocket watch.

5. b) Sacrifice and love.

6. a) Both Jim and Della sell their belongings to buy gifts for each other.

Short Writing Sample

1. Diary Entry:

Dear Diary,

Today was a day of profound realization for me. As I exchanged gifts with Della, I couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness at not being able to use the gifts we had bought each other. But in that moment, something dawned on me - the true value of our love. It's not about the material possessions or extravagant gifts; it's about the deep bond we share, the sacrifices we're willing to make for each other. Della's selflessness in selling her hair, my decision to part with my father's watch - these acts speak volumes about the depth of our love. And as we held each other tightly, I knew that nothing in this world could compare to the precious gift of love we have. Today, I'm grateful for the simple yet profound realization that love is the most valuable treasure of all.

2. Personal Reflection:

I remember the time when my friend gave up her dream internship to support her family during a difficult financial crisis. Despite her passion for the opportunity, she chose to prioritize her family's well-being over her own aspirations. Witnessing her selfless sacrifice for the sake of her loved ones left a profound impact on me. It taught me the true meaning of love and friendship - the willingness to put others' needs before our own, even if it means sacrificing something valuable. Her act of selflessness showed me that love and friendship are built on empathy, understanding, and unwavering support, and I'm forever inspired by her example.

3. Letter to a Friend:

Dear [Friend's Name],

I wish you could have been there to witness the heartwarming scene I witnessed today. Jim and Della, our neighbors, exchanged gifts on Christmas Eve, and it was truly a sight to behold. Despite their financial struggles, they both sacrificed their most cherished possessions to buy gifts for each other. Jim sold his father's watch, and Della cut off her long, beautiful hair - all to express their love and appreciation

for each other. As they exchanged gifts, their eyes sparkled with love and gratitude. It was a powerful reminder that love transcends material possessions and that true happiness lies in the selfless giving of oneself. The scene left me feeling grateful for

the love we share with those around us and reminded me of the true spirit of Christmas.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

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