
A Defenseless Creature by Anton Chekhov(Pre-Intermediate) 본문

Read together/ShortStories

A Defenseless Creature by Anton Chekhov(Pre-Intermediate)

i-쌤 2024. 5. 13. 22:16



 In the heart of the enchanting town of Mystwood, there stood a grand building known as the Mystwood Bank, where townsfolk would go to keep their gold coins safe. The manager of this bank was Mr. Khrushchov, a man who took great pride in his very important job.

One stormy day, when the wind was howling like the wolves in the Whispering Woods, a woman named Mrs. Popov marched into the bank. She was wrapped in a shawl as gray as the clouds above, and her eyes sparkled with determination.

"Good day, Mr. Khrushchov," she said with a nod. "I need your help. My dear husband, who danced with the stars last winter, left some gold here. I must find it to feed our little kittens at home."

Mr. Khrushchov, busy as a beaver with papers and coins, barely looked up. "Madam, if you have no paper to show, I cannot help you. Rules are rules in the Bank of Mystwood."

 But Mrs. Popov wouldn’t budge. She visited the bank every day, each time with wild tales and papers that fluttered like leaves in the breeze. "See here," she'd say, waving them about, "a letter from a cousin twice removed, a note from my neighbor who is a wise old owl, and a receipt from the baker who makes pies as sweet as summer."

 Mr. Khrushchov sighed deeply, his patience wearing as thin as the last leaf of autumn. "Madam, these papers mean little without the right documents. Please, I have other matters to attend to."

Yet, Mrs. Popov's spirit was as unyielding as the mighty oaks in the Whispering Woods. One day, she arrived with a crowd of townsfolk, her voice ringing out like the morning bells. "Good people of Mystwood, I ask for justice! The gold my husband left is ours by right and need!"

 Touched by her plight and her unwavering resolve, the townsfolk murmured their support. Mr. Khrushchov felt the weight of their stares, as heavy as the iron safe in the corner.

Finally, with a heart as heavy as the leaden sky, Mr. Khrushchov, exasperated and overwhelmed by Mrs. Popov's relentless pursuit and the townsfolk's murmurs, declared, “Mrs. Popov, there are no records of any gold left by your husband. Please, let us find peace from this matter.” Mrs. Popov, undeterred and her spirit unbroken, vowed to continue her fight, reminding everyone that the quest for justice and truth, no matter how daunting, must go on."

 Anton Chekhov shows us how power can sometimes be misused, creating conflicts between those at the top and those at the bottom of society. Through the character of Mrs. Popov, Chekhov highlights the struggles of the less powerful as they try to make their voices heard. Despite her actions sometimes seeming unreasonable or even comical, they shed light on the contradictions within the structures of our society.



Words and Idioms

Study it with Flashcard




Bank (noun) - A place where people keep their money safe.

Manager (noun) - A person who is in charge of an organization or part of an organization.

Determination (noun) - The quality of being firm in your decision to do something.

Visit (verb) - To go to see a person or place, often regularly.

Rules (noun) - Guidelines that dictate what one can and cannot do.

Patience (noun) - The ability to wait for a long time without becoming annoyed or upset.

Exasperated (adjective) - Feeling very annoyed and upset.

Unyielding (adjective) - Not changing or stopping; determined.

Relentless (adjective) - Continuing in a severe or extreme way.

Undeterred (adjective) - Continuing to do something even though it is difficult.

Busy as a beaver (idiom) - Very busy, industrious.

Wearing thin (idiom) - Becoming less effective or acceptable, usually because of being used too often.

Ring out like the morning bells (idiom) - To be heard clearly and loudly.

A heart as heavy as the leaden sky (idiom) - Feeling very sad or burdened.





1. What is the main setting of the story?

A. The Whispering Woods

B. Mystwood Bank

C. Mrs. Popov's house

D. The town square


2. Why does Mrs. Popov visit the bank?

A. To deposit some gold

B. To withdraw her husband’s gold

C. To apply for a job

D. To meet Mr. Khrushchov


3. What does Mr. Khrushchov ask Mrs. Popov to show him?

A. Her ID card

B. The right documents

C. Her husband’s will

D. A map to her house


4. How do the townsfolk react to Mrs. Popov's plea for help?

A. They ignore her

B. They support her

C. They laugh at her

D. They ask her to leave


5. What does the Mystwood Bank symbolize in the story?

A. Safety and security

B. Power and control

C. Wealth and greed

D. Hope and desire


6. What theme is reflected through Mrs. Popov's actions in the story?

A. The importance of following rules

B. The struggle between nature and civilization

C. The pursuit of justice and truth

D. The value of friendship




Short Writing Topics

1. Write a diary entry from Mrs. Popov's perspective about her experience at the bank on the day she brought the townsfolk with her.











2. Imagine you are Mr. Khrushchov. Write a letter to a friend explaining the situation with Mrs. Popov and how it affected you.










3. Create a new ending for the story where Mrs. Popov and Mr. Khrushchov find a compromise. Describe what happens and how they resolve their conflict.




Answer Keys

1. B. Mystwood Bank

2. B. To withdraw her husband’s gold

3. B. The right documents

4. B. They support her

5. B. Power and control

6. C. The pursuit of justice and truth


Sample Writing Answers

1.Diary Entry from Mrs. Popov's Perspective

Today was unlike any other day! With courage filling my heart, I led the townsfolk to the Mystwood Bank. We stood together, united, in the grand hall. As I voiced our plea for justice, I felt the strength of the community backing me. Their murmurs of support echoed through the bank, filling me with hope. Although Mr. Khrushchov insisted there was no record of the gold, I remain undeterred. This fight is not just for me but for everyone who's ever felt powerless. Tomorrow, I'll return, fueled not only by my resolve but by the support of Mystwood's brave hearts. We will prevail!

2. Letter from Mr. Khrushchov's Perspective

My dear friend, today was a trying day. Mrs. Popov, a persistent widow, brought the entire town to our doorstep, demanding justice over some supposed gold her husband left. I've tried explaining the need for proper documentation, but my words fall on deaf ears. The pressure is immense, not just from her but from the sympathetic eyes of our townsfolk. It's a delicate balance maintaining the bank's rules while addressing their grievances. I find myself torn between the rigidity of our policies and the emotional pull of her story. This situation has me questioning the very essence of my duties and the impacts of our decisions on real lives.


3. New Ending for the Story

In a twist of understanding, Mr. Khrushchov and Mrs. Popov found a middle ground. After another long discussion, they agreed to conduct a thorough search together. They combed through old ledgers and dusty files, sharing stories of Mystwood's past and present. As dusk fell, they discovered a misplaced document proving her claim. Overwhelmed with relief, they both realized the importance of listening and cooperation. Mr. Khrushchov apologized for his earlier stubbornness, and Mrs. Popov thanked him for his eventual fairness. The bank agreed to release the gold, and the townsfolk celebrated their newfound unity with a small festival outside the bank, marking a new chapter of community and understanding in Mystwood.


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