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Read together/ShortStories

The Dreamer by H.H. Munro (SAKI)(Pre-Intermediate)

by Johnber쌤 2024. 5. 27.



Once upon a time, in a grand kingdom, there was a renowned store named Walpurgis and Nettlepink. It was the season of sales, and the store had decided to lower its prices for an entire week as a special treat for the townsfolk. This was as rare as an Arch-duchess pretending to catch a cold just because colds were common in the area.

Adela Chemping, a noble lady who considered herself above the usual excitement of sales, decided to visit the store during this special week.

"I'm not a bargain hunter," she proclaimed, "but I like to go where bargains are."

This showed that beneath her strong character, there was a gentle side that enjoyed simple pleasures.

To make her shopping trip more enjoyable, Lady Chemping invited her youngest nephew, Cyprian, to accompany her. She promised him a visit to a magical theater and some delightful refreshments. Cyprian, not yet eighteen, was still at an age where he didn’t mind carrying parcels.

"Meet me just outside the floral department," she wrote to him, "and don’t be a moment later than eleven."

Cyprian was a dreamy-eyed boy, always seeing things that others couldn’t, as if he had the eyes of a poet or a magician. He was dressed neatly, with hair as smooth as seaweed. When they met, Lady Chemping noticed he was bare-headed.

"Where is your hat?" she asked.

"I didn’t bring one with me," he replied.

Lady Chemping was slightly scandalized.

"You’re not going to be what they call a Nut, are you?" she asked with some concern.

Cyprian looked at her with his dreamy eyes.

"I didn’t bring a hat because it’s a nuisance when shopping. If one meets someone and has to take it off while holding parcels, it’s awkward. If you don’t have a hat, you can’t take it off."

Lady Chemping sighed with relief and turned her attention to the shopping ahead.

"We will go first to the table-linen counter," she said, leading the way. "I should like to look at some napkins."

Cyprian, who preferred to watch rather than shop, followed her. Lady Chemping examined the napkins closely, as if expecting to find hidden messages on them. She then moved to the glassware department.

"Millicent asked me to get her some decanters if they’re cheap," she explained, "and I want a salad bowl. I can look at the napkins later."

She examined many decanters and salad bowls, but finally bought seven chrysanthemum vases.

"No one uses these anymore," she told Cyprian, "but they’ll make good presents for next Christmas."

She also bought two sunshades and a lot of writing paper, because it was cheap and easy to pack.

"Do you think Ruth will like blue or gray paper?" she asked Cyprian.

"Grey," said Cyprian, who had never met Ruth.

"Do you have mauve notepaper?" Lady Chemping asked the shop assistant.

"We have green and dark grey," said the assistant.

Lady Chemping chose the blue.

"Now we can have some lunch," she said.

Cyprian accepted a fish cake, a mince pie, and a small cup of coffee, refusing his aunt’s suggestion to buy a hat, saying he had enough hats at home and they rumpled his hair.

He left their parcels with the cloak-room attendant, saying, "We’ll get more parcels, so we can collect these later."

Lady Chemping agreed reluctantly, feeling the thrill of shopping was lessened without the parcels.

"I’m going to look at those napkins again," she said as they went downstairs. "You can meet me in the cutlery department later."

Cyprian was not in the cutlery department when Lady Chemping arrived, but she soon saw him in the leather goods section. He was mistaken for a shop assistant by a lady demanding the price of a handbag.

"There now," thought Adela, "she thinks he’s an assistant because he’s bare-headed. I wonder if it hasn't happened before."

Cyprian examined the handbag’s ticket and said, "Black seal, thirty-four shillings, marked down to twenty-eight. We are clearing them out for twenty-six shillings. They’re selling fast."

"I’ll take it," said the lady, giving Cyprian the money.

Adela was helped outside by some kind strangers.

"It’s the crush and the heat," said one.

When she next saw Cyprian, he was in the book department, selling two books of devotion to an elderly Canon. The dreamy look in his eyes was deeper than ever.

Adela Chemping and her nephew Cyprian completed their shopping adventure, each gaining something unexpected from the experience. Adela, who prided herself on being strong and independent, realized that she too had simple human weaknesses and could enjoy small pleasures. Cyprian, with his dreamy perspective, showed how important imagination and individuality are.

The lesson of this story is that even those who consider themselves rational and superior can have simple human joys and weaknesses. Additionally, imagination and individuality can make everyday life special. Adela and Cyprian's story reminds us that sometimes the most ordinary days can be filled with magic, encouraging us to cherish the simple pleasures in life.

Words and Idioms

Study it with Flashcard


renowned (adj) - famous, well-known

bargain (n) - a special offer, something bought at a lower price

proclaimed (v) - declared, announced publicly

gentle (adj) - kind, soft, tender

nephew (n) - a son of one's brother or sister

magical (adj) - having special powers, enchanting

dreamy-eyed (adj) - having a look of dreaming, often lost in thought

nuisance (n) - something annoying or bothersome

awkward (adj) - uncomfortable, clumsy

table-linen (n) - cloths and napkins used for dining

counter (n) - a surface in a store where transactions occur

napkins (n) - small cloths or papers used while eating

glassware (n) - items made of glass, like dishes or ornaments

decanters (n) - bottles used to serve wine or other liquids

chrysanthemum (n) - a type of flower, often called a mum

sunshades (n) - umbrellas used to block the sun

parcel (n) - a package or bundle

cloak-room (n) - a place where belongings are stored temporarily

reluctantly (adv) - unwillingly, hesitantly

cutlery (n) - utensils like knives, forks, and spoons

leather goods (n) - items made of leather, like bags or wallets

mistaken (v) - incorrectly identified, misunderstood

devotion (n) - commitment, strong affection or loyalty

individuality (n) - unique character, distinctiveness

superior (adj) - better, higher in quality

cherish (v) - to value highly, to hold dear

thrilling (adj) - exciting, stimulating

assistant (n) - a helper, a person who assists

Canon (n) - a religious leader, a clergy member

perspective (n) - a point of view, a way of seeing things


1. What was the name of the renowned store in the grand kingdom?

a) Walpurgis and Nettlepink

b) Magic and Wonders

c) The Grand Emporium

d) King’s Bazaar

2. What did Lady Chemping buy for next Christmas?

a) Seven chrysanthemum vases

b) Three silver decanters

c) A set of table-linen

d) Four sunshades

3. Why did Lady Chemping invite Cyprian to go shopping with her?

a) She wanted his opinion on what to buy

b) She thought he would enjoy the sales

c) She promised him a visit to a magical theater and some refreshments

d) She needed help carrying her parcels

4. How did Cyprian end up selling a handbag?

a) He wanted to help the store

b) He was mistaken for a shop assistant because he was bare-headed

c) He was looking for a gift for his aunt

d) He decided to earn some extra money

5. What does Cyprian’s bare-headed appearance symbolize in the story?

a) His rebellious nature

b) His desire to stand out

c) His practicality and dreamy personality

d) His lack of concern for fashion

6. What lesson does Adela Chemping learn by the end of the story?

a) Bargain hunting is enjoyable

b) Shopping is tiring without parcels

c) She too has simple human weaknesses and can enjoy small pleasures

d) It’s important to always wear a hat

Short Writing Topics

1. Describe a time when you went shopping with a family member. What did you buy and how did you feel about the experience?

2. What do you think is the importance of imagination and individuality in everyday life? Give examples from the story and your own life.

3. Write about a situation where you learned to appreciate the simple pleasures in life. How did it change your perspective?

Answer Keys

  1. a) Walpurgis and Nettlepink
  2. a) Seven chrysanthemum vases
  3. c) She promised him a visit to a magical theater and some refreshments
  4. b) He was mistaken for a shop assistant because he was bare-headed
  5. c) His practicality and dreamy personality
  6. c) She too has simple human weaknesses and can enjoy small pleasures

Sample Writing Answers

1. I remember going shopping with my mom last summer. We went to the local mall to buy clothes for the new school year. I needed new shoes, some shirts, and a backpack. We spent a lot of time looking for the perfect shoes, trying on different styles and sizes. Finally, we found a pair that was comfortable and stylish. I also picked out a few shirts with my favorite colors and designs. After shopping, we had ice cream together, which was a nice treat. The experience made me appreciate the effort my mom puts into ensuring I have everything I need. It was a fun and bonding time for us.

2. Imagination and individuality are crucial for making life interesting and meaningful. In the story, Cyprian’s dreamy perspective allows him to see the world differently, adding a magical touch to ordinary activities. His individuality also sets him apart, making him unique and memorable. In my life, imagination helps me come up with creative solutions to problems and makes tasks more enjoyable. For example, when I do my homework, I often imagine it as a fun challenge or adventure, which motivates me to complete it. Individuality allows me to express myself through my hobbies, like drawing and writing, making me feel confident and happy.

3. Last year, during a family picnic, I learned to appreciate the simple pleasures in life. We went to a nearby park with just a blanket, some homemade sandwiches, and a frisbee. At first, I thought it would be boring without my phone or any fancy activities. However, as the day went on, I found myself enjoying the fresh air, the laughter, and the time spent with my family. We played frisbee, told stories, and simply relaxed. This experience taught me that happiness doesn't always come from big or expensive things; sometimes, the simplest moments can bring the most joy. It changed my perspective, making me value quality time and nature more.

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