
The Monkey's Paw by W. W. Jacobs (Pre-Intermediate) 본문

Read together/ShortStories

The Monkey's Paw by W. W. Jacobs (Pre-Intermediate)

i-쌤 2024. 6. 26. 21:44



Once upon a time, in a small, cozy house, lived Mr. and Mrs. White with their son, Herbert. They were a happy family, always finding joy in simple things.

One stormy evening, their friend, Sergeant-Major Morris, came to visit. He had traveled to many faraway places and had amazing stories to tell. This time, he brought something very special: a small, old monkey's paw.

Mr. White was curious and asked, "What is that?"

"It's a magical charm," said Morris. "It can grant three wishes to three different people. But be careful, for magic can be tricky."

Herbert and Mrs. White didn’t pay much attention to the story, but Mr. White was very interested. Morris noticed this and explained more about the monkey’s paw.

"You should wish for something sensible," Morris warned, "and remember, magic often comes with a price."

After Morris left, Mr. White sat by the fire, thinking about his wishes. His family had gone to bed.

"I wish for two hundred pounds," Mr. White said to himself, thinking it would help pay off their house.

The monkey's paw twisted in his hand, but nothing else happened. He laughed and went to bed, thinking it was just a silly trick.

The next morning, the Whites went about their daily routines. Herbert went to work at the local factory. As the day wore on, a man from the factory arrived at the White's home, looking sad and nervous.

"I'm sorry," he said, "there was an accident at the factory. Herbert tried to help, but..." His voice trailed off, and he handed Mr. White an envelope. Inside were two hundred pounds.

Mrs. White cried, and Mr. White held her close. They realized the monkey's paw had granted their wish in a way they never wanted.

Days passed, and the house was filled with sorrow. One night, Mrs. White had an idea.

"Wish for Herbert to come back," she said to Mr. White.

"No," he said. "We don't know what will happen. Magic is dangerous."

But Mrs. White insisted, and Mr. White, wanting to ease her pain, finally held the monkey's paw and wished for Herbert to return.

They waited in silence. Then, there was a knock at the door. Mrs. White rushed to open it, but Mr. White stopped her.

"What if it's not really Herbert?" he whispered, terrified.

The knocking continued, louder and louder. In a panic, Mr. White grabbed the monkey's paw one last time.

"I wish for everything to be as it was before," he cried out.

The knocking stopped. When they opened the door, no one was there. The night was quiet again.

The Whites hugged each other, grateful that they were safe, though their hearts ached with loss. They learned that sometimes, even the most wonderful-sounding wishes can have unexpected and terrible consequences.

From then on, they lived their lives without seeking magic, finding comfort in their memories and each other. And the monkey's paw was never seen again.

The story teaches us that interfering with fate can lead to unexpected and often tragic consequences. True happiness comes from appreciating what we have, not from trying to force our destiny to change.

Words and Idioms

Study it with Flashcard


charm (n) - an object believed to have magical powers

grant (v) - to give or allow something

sensible (adj) - practical and reasonable

sorrow (n) - deep sadness

hesitation (n) - the act of pausing before doing something

consequence (n) - a result or effect of an action or condition

unexpected (adj) - not anticipated or predicted

comfort (n) - a state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint

grateful (adj) - feeling or showing thanks

terrifying (adj) - causing extreme fear

tragedy (n) - a very sad event or situation

insist (v) - to demand something forcefully

panic (n) - sudden uncontrollable fear or anxiety

faraway places - Distant or remote locations

eased her pain - Made her feel less sorrowful.

learned to appreciate - Realized the value of something.



1. What did Sergeant-Major Morris bring to the White family? 

a) A book of fairy tales
b) A magical monkey's paw
c) A map of faraway places
d) A mysterious letter

2. What was Mr. White's first wish?

a) To become rich
b) For two hundred pounds
c) For good health
d) To travel the world

3. Why did the White family wish for two hundred pounds? 

a) To buy a new house
b) To pay off their house
c) To go on a vacation
d) To buy a new car

4. What happened to Herbert after Mr. White made his first wish?

a) He got a new job
b) He found a treasure
c) He had an accident at work
d) He moved to a new city

5. What is the main theme of "The Monkey's Paw"? 

a) The importance of family
b) The dangers of wishing for more
c) The power of friendship
d) The joy of adventure

6. What does the monkey's paw symbolize in the story? 

a) Good luck
b) Unpredictable consequences of wishes
c) Friendship and loyalty
d) Happiness and joy


Short Writing Topics


1. Imagine you found a magical charm that could grant you one wish. What would you wish for and why?

2. Describe how the White family's life changed after they used the monkey's paw. What lesson did they learn?

3. Write about a time when you wanted something very much but later realized it might not have been the best choice. What did you learn from that experience?

Answer Keys

1. b) A magical monkey's paw

2. b) For two hundred pounds

3. b) To pay off their house

4. c) He had an accident at work

5. b) The dangers of wishing for more

6. b) Unpredictable consequences of wishes


Sample Writing


1. If I found a magical charm that could grant me one wish, I would wish for the ability to learn and understand anything quickly. This wish would be valuable because it would allow me to excel in my studies, master new skills, and solve problems more effectively. With this power, I could help others by sharing knowledge and finding solutions to various challenges. Moreover, it would enable me to pursue my dreams and goals more confidently, knowing that I can acquire the necessary skills and information easily.

2. After using the monkey's paw, the White family's life changed dramatically. Their first wish for two hundred pounds led to a tragic accident that took Herbert's life. The money they received was a compensation for his death. This event filled their home with sorrow and regret. When they wished for Herbert to return, it brought fear and more pain. Ultimately, they learned that using magic to alter their fate had severe consequences. The lesson they learned was to appreciate what they had and be careful with their desires, understanding that some things are best left untouched.

3. Once, I really wanted a new video game console that all my friends were talking about. I begged my parents, and they finally agreed to get it for my birthday. At first, I was thrilled and spent hours playing games. However, I soon realized that I was neglecting my schoolwork and spending less time with my family. My grades started to drop, and I felt more isolated. I learned that while it’s okay to enjoy new things, it's important to balance them with other responsibilities and relationships. This experience taught me to think more carefully about what I wish for and consider the possible outcomes.

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