
The Monkey's Paw by W. W. Jacobs (Intermediate) 본문

Read together/ShortStories

The Monkey's Paw by W. W. Jacobs (Intermediate)

i-쌤 2024. 6. 28. 13:52



Once upon a time, in a small, cozy house on the outskirts of a quaint village, lived Mr. and Mrs. White with their son, Herbert. Their lives were simple and content, filled with warmth and the everyday joys of family life.

One stormy evening, their friend, Sergeant-Major Morris, paid them a visit. Morris had traveled to many distant lands and had fascinating stories to tell. This time, he brought with him something quite extraordinary: a shriveled, old monkey's paw.

Mr. White, intrigued by the strange object, asked, "What is that?"

"It's a magical charm," replied Morris, his voice tinged with a hint of dread. "It can grant three wishes to three different people. But be cautious, for magic often comes with unforeseen consequences."

Herbert and Mrs. White listened, initially dismissing the tale as mere superstition. But Morris's somber tone and the gravity in his eyes piqued Mr. White's curiosity.

"You really believe this thing can grant wishes?" asked Mr. White.

"It has already done so," Morris answered, his face growing pale. "The first man who owned it had three wishes. Yes, he got what he asked for, but he paid dearly for it."

With a mix of fascination and skepticism, Mr. White took the monkey's paw from Morris. Despite Morris's warnings, he felt compelled to try it.

That night, after Morris had left and the family had gone to bed, Mr. White sat alone by the fire, the monkey's paw in his hand. He thought about what to wish for and then, almost without realizing, he whispered, "I wish for two hundred pounds."

The paw twisted in his hand, but nothing else happened. He laughed at himself for believing in such nonsense and went to bed.

The next morning, the Whites went about their daily routines. Herbert went to work at the local factory. As the day wore on, a man from the factory arrived at the White's home, looking grim.

"I'm sorry to bring bad news," he said, nervously twisting his hat in his hands. "There was an accident at the factory. Your son... Herbert... tried to help, but he was caught in the machinery."

Mrs. White screamed, and Mr. White stood stunned, clutching the back of a chair for support. The man handed them an envelope. "The company wishes to offer you this compensation." Inside the envelope were two hundred pounds.

Days turned into weeks, and the Whites were engulfed in sorrow. One night, Mrs. White had a desperate idea.

"The paw!" she cried. "We still have two wishes left. Wish for Herbert to come back!"

Mr. White was horrified. "No," he said. "It’s dangerous. We don’t know what might happen."

But Mrs. White was insistent. Consumed by her grief, she begged and pleaded until Mr. White, unable to bear her suffering, finally gave in. With a heavy heart, he took the paw and wished for Herbert to return.

They waited in silence. The minutes dragged on until a knock at the door shattered the quiet. Mrs. White rushed to open it, but Mr. White held her back.

"What if it's not really Herbert?" he whispered, terror seizing his heart.

The knocking grew louder and more insistent. Panicking, Mr. White grabbed the paw once more.

"I wish for everything to be as it was before," he cried desperately.

The knocking ceased. When they opened the door, no one was there. The night was still and quiet once more.

The Whites hugged each other, their relief mingled with profound sorrow. They had learned a harrowing lesson about the perils of tampering with fate. From that night on, they chose to live their lives without seeking magical shortcuts, finding solace in their memories and each other. The monkey's paw was never seen again.

The story teaches us that interfering with fate can lead to unexpected and often tragic consequences. True happiness comes from appreciating what we have, not from trying to force our destiny to change.


Words and Idioms

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quaint (adj) - charmingly old-fashioned

distant (adj) - far away in space or time

fascinating (adj) - extremely interesting

extraordinary (adj) - very unusual or remarkable

shriveled (adj) - wrinkled and shrunken, especially due to loss of moisture

charm (n) - an object believed to have magical powers

grant (v) - to give or allow something

unforeseen (adj) - not anticipated or predicted

superstition (n) - a belief or practice resulting from ignorance or fear of the unknown

skepticism (n) - an attitude of doubting the truth of something

content (adj) - in a state of peaceful happiness

tinged (adj) - having a slight influence or effect

dread (n) - great fear or apprehension

somber (adj) - dark or dull in color or tone; gloomy

gravity (n) - extreme importance or seriousness

compensation (n) - something, typically money, awarded to someone in recognition of loss, suffering, or injury

desperate (adj) - feeling, showing, or involving a hopeless sense that a situation is so bad as to be impossible to deal with

insistent (adj) - demanding something; not allowing refusal

profound (adj) - very great or intense

On the outskirts of - In the outer parts or areas of a place.

Paid dearly for it - Suffered significant negative consequences.

With a heavy heart - Feeling very sad or depressed.

Consumed by grief - Overwhelmed by deep sorrow.

Engulfed in sorrow - Completely filled with sadness.

Harboring lesson - A severe and impactful lesson.

Tampering with fate - Trying to change one's destiny or predetermined outcomes.

Magical shortcuts - Easy but risky ways to achieve something through magic.

Cherish the simple - Appreciate the uncomplicated aspects of life.

Force our destiny to change - Trying to alter the course of our future through unnatural means.


1. What object did Sergeant-Major Morris bring to the White family?

a) A crystal ball

b) A magical monkey's paw

c) A mysterious book

d) A golden coin


2. How many wishes can the monkey's paw grant?

a) One wish to one person

b) Three wishes to one person

c) Three wishes to three different people

d) Five wishes to five different people


3. What was the first wish Mr. White made with the monkey's paw?

a) To bring his son back to life

b) For two hundred pounds

c) To become rich

d) For good health


4. What tragic event occurred after Mr. White made his first wish?

a) A fire destroyed their house

b) Herbert had an accident at the factory

c) Mrs. White fell ill

d) Mr. White lost his job


5. What does the monkey's paw symbolize in the story?

a) Luck and fortune

b) The unpredictability of fate

c) Friendship and loyalty

d) Hard work and perseverance


6. What is the main theme of "The Monkey's Paw"?

a) The joy of adventure

b) The importance of family

c) The dangers of tampering with fate

d) The power of knowledge


AP-Test Style Writing Topics


1. Analyze the role of foreshadowing in "The Monkey's Paw." How does W.W. Jacobs use this literary device to build suspense and convey the story's themes? Provide specific examples from the text to support your analysis.

2. Discuss the theme of consequences in "The Monkey's Paw." How do the wishes made by the White family illustrate the idea that actions have consequences, both expected and unexpected? Use evidence from the story to support your argument.

3. Examine the character of Sergeant-Major Morris in "The Monkey's Paw." How does his background and experience with the paw influence the events of the story? Analyze his interactions with the White family and the impact of his warnings.

Answer Keys

1. b) A magical monkey's paw

2. c) Three wishes to three different people

3. b) For two hundred pounds

4. b) Herbert had an accident at the factory

5. b) The unpredictability of fate

6. c) The dangers of tampering with fate


Sample AP-Test Style Writing


1. In "The Monkey's Paw," W.W. Jacobs masterfully uses foreshadowing to build suspense and underscore the story's themes of fate and consequence. One of the earliest examples occurs when Sergeant-Major Morris first introduces the monkey's paw and warns the White family of its dangerous powers. His grave tone and ominous warnings create a sense of impending doom. Morris's reluctance to talk about the paw and his pale face when mentioning its history suggest that terrible consequences are inevitable if the paw is used, thus setting the stage for the tragic events that follow.

Another significant instance of foreshadowing is Mr. White's casual remark about not seeing the money materialize out of thin air after making the first wish for two hundred pounds. This moment of skepticism and disbelief subtly hints that the paw's magic might work in unexpected and undesirable ways. This foreshadowing is fulfilled in a gruesome manner when Herbert dies in an accident at the factory, leading to the exact amount of money being given to the Whites as compensation.

The climactic knocking at the door after the second wish is another crucial moment of foreshadowing. Mrs. White's frantic attempts to open the door and Mr. White's desperate fear that it might not truly be Herbert behind the door create intense suspense. This sequence hints at a horrifying revelation that Herbert might return in a dreadful, altered state due to the unnatural interference with fate.

Through these instances of foreshadowing, Jacobs effectively builds a foreboding atmosphere and emphasizes the story's moral: that tampering with fate can lead to disastrous and unintended consequences. The careful placement of these hints keeps readers on edge, anticipating the dire outcomes that the characters, despite their hopes, cannot escape.

2. The theme of consequences is central to "The Monkey's Paw," as the White family's wishes demonstrate how their actions lead to both expected and unforeseen results. The first wish, for two hundred pounds, seems innocent enough, but it sets off a chain of tragic events. Mr. White's wish is granted, but not in the way he anticipated. Instead of receiving the money through fortunate means, the family is informed of Herbert's death in a factory accident, and the compensation for his life is exactly two hundred pounds. This tragic twist highlights the idea that their wish, though seemingly harmless, carries a heavy and unexpected price.

The second wish further illustrates the theme of consequences. Driven by grief, Mrs. White insists on wishing Herbert back to life. Mr. White, despite his reservations, complies with her desperate demand. The consequence of this wish is immediate and terrifying: a persistent knocking at the door, which implies Herbert's return from the dead. The knocking signifies the grotesque reality of tampering with life and death, suggesting that Herbert's return is not the joyous reunion they hoped for but rather a horrifying encounter with a reanimated corpse.

The final wish, made in desperation by Mr. White, to reverse the second wish, underscores the realization that their actions have spiraled out of control. By wishing for everything to be as it was before, Mr. White acknowledges the gravity of their mistakes. This wish, too, comes with its own set of consequences: the emotional trauma and the haunting memory of their meddling with fate.

These wishes collectively illustrate that every action, especially those involving supernatural forces, carries consequences that can be far-reaching and catastrophic. Jacobs uses the White family's experiences to convey a powerful message: attempting to control or alter one's destiny can lead to irreversible and often tragic outcomes, reinforcing the notion that it is wise to accept life as it unfolds naturally.

3. Sergeant-Major Morris plays a crucial role in "The Monkey's Paw," serving as the harbinger of the tale's central conflict. His background as a well-traveled soldier who has encountered many strange and exotic things lends credibility to his stories, particularly about the monkey's paw. His firsthand experience with the paw profoundly influences the narrative and the White family's fate.

Morris's initial reluctance to discuss the monkey's paw and his evident fear when handling it hint at the dark power it holds. His grim warnings about the paw's abilities are steeped in personal regret and caution. He tells the Whites that the paw has caused great sorrow to its previous owners, emphasizing that its magic comes with severe consequences. This foreknowledge sets the stage for the story's unfolding tragedy.

When Mr. White expresses curiosity about the paw, Morris's interactions become more intense. He tries to destroy the paw by throwing it into the fire, demonstrating his deep-seated fear and desire to rid the world of its malevolent influence. This act underscores his belief in the paw's dangerous power and his genuine concern for the White family. However, Mr. White retrieves the paw, intrigued by the promise of wishes, despite Morris's explicit warnings.

Morris's background and experience shape his character as a bearer of cautionary wisdom, yet his inability to persuade the Whites to avoid using the paw leads to the story's tragic events. His interactions are pivotal; they provide the initial exposition about the paw's origins and powers, setting the narrative in motion. Morris's warnings are the catalyst for the White family's decisions, highlighting the theme of ignoring sage advice at one's peril.

Ultimately, Morris's character serves as a bridge between the paw's sinister past and its impact on the present. His failed attempt to prevent the Whites from using the paw and his foreboding advice create an atmosphere of dread and inevitability, ensuring that the consequences of their wishes are both impactful and tragic. Through Morris, Jacobs illustrates the importance of heeding experienced counsel and the potential dangers of succumbing to curiosity and desire.



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